Friday, January 31, 2014


     I was UBER happy today.  I got to see both Ky and Rae- their puppies Eli and Buster.  I haven't seen either of them since last July when I was in NY.  It's a bit of bad timing, yes it's my 5day weekend but I have so much lined up that I *have* to do that the three days they'll be here I'm just so busy.  Like tomorrow for instance I have to go get hay for Bailey.  Today was a Heidi day.  I'll have to get a few more things set up and done tomorrow.  Hopefully dad doesn't mind me taking his truck or mom gets home at a decent time for me to take the car.  My poor truck has to wait one more week.  Too many bills to risk buying the alternator and then coming up short on money.  We went up to see Heidi.  I rode her for the first time in 3 weeks.  The arena was a little frozen and still had snow in it but she was a SAINT.  After I rode for a little bit, we got Rachel up there, then Ky.  Ky got down just as she got a phone call and had to disappear a little bit and we got Sandy up there.  Just small steps to get her comfortable on a horse again.  

     Tomorrow/Saturday is a Bailey and bunnies day.  I have to go get hay first thing in the morning, get that stacked up so Bailey has plenty to get through the winter, plus bottle calves and the bunnies, then get bunny trays cleaned, and hopefully get the run-in striped cleaned.  I have to get some more and new pictures of Bailey for her weekly photo updates.  Sunday is Super Bowl.  I get to spend the time with Aunt Lisa, Ky and Rae and possibly doing my taxes too so I can get that one done.  Well time for me to sleep.  I need some serious sleep to catch up on!  

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