Thursday, August 28, 2014


     It's been and up and down week so far.  The sinus infection I've been fighting with has been kicking my butt as of lately.  I'm going to keep at a few more things and hopefully I can get this infection back under control.  It's been the cause of most of my up and down sleep nights.  On top of my foot starting to bother me even more than it was before. I know it's mostly from the severe bending I've been doing on it.  Walking and working Blake, a TON of bending at work.   But good thing is my kittens all go in for spay/neuter next week so as long as they're fixed I'm happy.  No more kittens for me after this.  I don't know yet what I'm going to do with the three cats, they don't even have names yet.  I'm going to start making my budget and see what I can afford and start that disaster rolling.  I may have to drop down to an efficiency that's super cheap and kinda dumpy but whatever to start with to cut the gas costs down.  
     I know in my budget- there's a few things that I have to take into consideration, things I know I have and things I have to eliminate from it.  I know a lot is going to depend on the cost of everything.  There's so much to consider, and so little time.  My own dog is out for now.  I can look, dream and desire one but it has to wait.  My pay is so low, I need to move up as soon as I can.  First I have to do something about gas mileage. Must save up for a car.  It's hard to save up when you don't have much money to work with.  
     Well The rabbits have hit another slam spot and I have to see where else I can cut them back.  I would love to keep Iria's daughter but only if Penelope was coming back down.  I know right now for Chin's I'm only going to keep Fiona's son.  If Penelope was coming back down, I'd keep Iria's daughter and move Iria on, this way I could cross Iria's daughter back to Fiona's son and get Chin babies if I chose to breed again.  
     Work, well I should have been expecting that to happen.  I bust my ass at work every day.  The only day that I can relax is the day that I don't work with Shelby.  And Kari told me today that she's not surprised that Shelby got her job as she's related to Patrick.  Well to me that still shouldn't matter.  She's not doing the job that she's supposed to be.  I'm almost sure I'd be fired if I tried to be as lazy and attached to my phone like she does.  She left a cat today- with a broken pelvis no less- that she moved cages to clean it, she gave it food and it was 3 hours before I noticed today that it didn't have water.  I had been busy keeping up with everything else and I pointed it out to Diane.  I mean I can't keep up with everything she does I feel stupid not being able to trust her to do her job and pull her own weight.  The cats all hate her, she yanks their tails.  Yeah I'm not big on cats but I know not to yank their damn tails.  And she wonders why even Mickie kitty has bitten her, Clark has and at first I thought Jingles was just being himself and biting people but it's not, she yanks his damn tail too.  I watched her do it to a clients cat.  I just want to grab her hair and yank her around and see how she likes it.  She does it tomorrow I WILL yell at her.  Jingles is jealous and is lovable just don't be mean to him.  
     Anyway, I need to go to sleep, get some kind of a decent night's sleep before the last full day of the week.  Then I have to start work on my budget.  

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