Sunday, December 29, 2013

More mental rummaging

     I Love mental rummaging days.  I put a lot of thought into the bunnies, sold a few yesterday actually!  Then Put some more thought into them as I was washing up Heidi's mane and chest yesterday since I got to the barn later than I had anticipated and she needed her mane taken down and cleaned.  Sara's got a great idea to just put her in a paddock to eat some grass and sit out there with a book or something, just spending the time with her.  Today, since it's raining I'm going to put her in a stall to finish drying out(after it finishes raining of coarse-around 2 pm) let her eat and I'm going to sit there and talk to her. I think I'll plop her across from Spencer so she has another horse she can see.  
     I think I'm going to go ahead with the addition to the barn, bring my steels back up to snuff.  Two more steel does should do the trick, especially with the incoming steel buck.  Steels don't breed true but I know that and can plan ahead for that.  I'm just glad for the extra cage space right now, as I sold 3 rabbits and this will allow me to separate down the blue babies a little farther so their water dishes will go farther.  I'm going to put the three for Rachel in one cage, the other 4 will stay in the other cage.  This way if anything sells it'll be easier to just pull them out, without worrying about the ones I pulled for Rachel. I need to find out if Rachel still has that transport coming down or not.  If not I'm going to go ahead and sell her bunch, no point in hanging onto them for whenever she finally does get transport.  I should have others available by the time she gets more transport.  
     I'm bumbling around this morning because I know it's not going to quit raining until around 2 pm, so I plan to head over to Heidi around 1:30- putting me there at 2:30 so I can pull her in, let her dry, take her blankie off.  I'll probably sit with her a while more for my sake than hers, I"ll leave her in for about an hour again, flake of hay and I'll sit comfy cozy with her, maybe bring my sketch book or my crocheting as something to do besides talk to her about life and things I'm planning for mine, hers or our futures.  

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