Monday, September 16, 2013

Missing tid bit

     Apparently last night's posting got cut off when the internet got wobbly.  But I have several rabbits that have made the cull list- and two have come back from being smoked.  Bit strong a hickory flavor on them but they're good none-the-less.  Now to take a few of them off the website.  I found out that I *should* have had the chocolate's pedigrees a week ago.  Now both Rachel and I are pissed that Missy lied.  She's got a couple of days to get them to me or I'm going to demand half my money back.  I bought and paid for 4 pedigreed rabbits.
     Anyway, they'll end up on the cull list if I don't get their pedigrees and she's already on my list of  people/breeders to never sell to/buy from ever again.  If I could get Rachel to do it, I'd never even help her again, she wants to be a good breeder, let her figure it out just like we had to.  I don't like it when people screw me over at all.  Anyway, I have Jeanie's litter with open eyes now so I did some gender checking and I've got 3 girls, 3 boys. Very nice for first litter.  The boys are the ones that I know for sure are mismarks. 
     I still haven't heard anything from the job applications and resume's I put out.  I just have to keep trying.  The more I try and push the more eager to get out of Nestle I get.  I just want out of there, it's killing me time wise.  Just a meager short update that should have been apart of the post yesterday.  

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