Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Problem solving

     This week has been a very trying week.  I have stayed up late on my days off trying to get things done and my body refuses to sleep in so I am physically wore out from not getting enough sleep.  I think tonight I'll take some nyquil and go to bed very early to get my sleep.  Moving is tough, and I have it easy.  Today was supposed to be moving everything else but my dresser, TV, Computer and it's desk but it won't be.  It'll probably be just my movies since I only have two totes that I am working with, which leaves Saturday for whatever I can get into my truck Friday night and then Sunday will be everything else.  The forcast is saying no rain so let's hope that can hold and this way the dew is the only thing that can make what's in my truck wet(and even then it'll have to go through a tarp).  I really hope I can get all this done and get it out of the way so Sunday is as easy as possible. 
     Willow has been training great.  Still having some issues with Sit for Exam.  That's going to be our sour spot I think.  I'm pushing her training the best I can and I'm hoping the move the week before the show isn't what messes her up.  She'll still be going out to train on our lunch breaks at work so here's for hoping.  I can't afford to blow two entries in a row.  I know the last one when she was sick was not her fault- just very irritating to me.  But still was a blown entry.  
     I have barely spent any time at all with Heidi now.  Between moving and the heat there hasn't been much hope for messing with her after work.  September is fast approaching and without a new job prospect in sight(but plenty of applications out) I'm at the ends of my rope as to what to do.  I can't 'bring her home' since Kylie's field isn't horse ready yet and I couldn't make someone else take care of her and still have that drive out to Bath county to see her.  I've told a couple people when they asked me what I wanted for my birthday was simply money to put towards my board.  Hopefully by the end of September I can have another job (or a second one) to start getting money paid up for Heidi's board for the winter.  I really don't make enough money to keep a horse and it does bother me something fierce.  My brain tells me I should sell her because financially I couldn't do anything with her, and seeing as I didn't get a raise at a year I should just give up.  I cashed out all my overtime to get the calf for meat and with this move I haven't hardly gotten to work any overtime, but I love Heidi so much.  Heidi and Willow are my life right now.  I have my bunnies and they make me happy too and then there's Waffles too.  He's so stinking cute.  Been a long time since I've been around fish.  
     Just all comes down to lack of money, need better paying job and need less expensive hobbies and 'pets' really.  I even applies to a graphic designer job posting.  It's been so long since I've done any of that kind of work I'd really have to work at it for a little while to get current with the programs.  I have applied to customer service kinds of jobs, even the ones that have you as a phone rep.  Hopefully something can and will give soon.  As much as I thought Boonesboro was the place little over a year ago, it's just a stark realization that I probably should never have left Nestle- even if I hated it there, I could afford to keep my big girl.  Had I not I would have never gotten Willow though.  Six of one half dozen of the other, right?  Well I'd best get to packing, it's not going to do it by itself.  

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