Saturday, February 28, 2015

Learning from Mistakes

     I was really ready to rock and rumble today after work.  Ended up staying until 12:20 today, cutting into the time I had set aside to bring Grandma to lunch.  So I ended up grabbing a Little Caesar's pizza and crazy bread and heading over.  I stayed there until 2:30 then I knew I had to get moving if I had intended to go for a ride on Heidi.  Now for some back story, I had gone over on Wednesday because I just HAD to see Heidi.  I haven't seen her in ages it felt like.  I needed to get my hands on her again, even if it was just with some brushes and take off some mud.  I had heard her cough but I chucked it up to her being in the dry cold winter air.  So today I got there, she came up to me and I took her inside , she let out a few big coughs again.  This time I was a little wary of the coughs.  I tacked up anyway, feeding her plenty of her peppermints, knowing Peppermint does help the respiratory system.  I wanted to see how she did and what was going on.  I hadn't seen any snot a the time so I walked her up to the indoor and she was coughing pretty hard on the walk up, did one lap around the indoor and walked back down, still coughing hard on the way down.  I jumped down and went to her face, she had snot coming out both nostrils.  I'm hoping that the walking was just helping it work its way out of her system.  It kind of scared me thinking she had something bad, but I had Sandy come down and listen to her lungs and she even listened to her heart.  Said her heart sounded great and her lungs were clear, she had large lungs, and I know she's got a huge heart.  My idea of a huge heart and medically thinking huge heart are two different things.  Heidi's given me her all the last few months of working, now it's my turn to give her my all.  I'm going to talk to Rex in the morning if I see him and see if there's anything I can give Heidi to help boost her system to help fight off the cold.  I'll have Sandy call Park Equine if something is array still come Monday.  
     Well today was the big kicker for me.  It was the last day Jess will do the rabbits.  So now if I am out past dark, I have to do the rabbits in the dark myself.  I think it's now the time to put a heavy thought into them.  I've got to palpate all four does I have bred tomorrow.  A couple of them are slated for butcher if they are being evil still and because they just are not wanted in my barn.  I needed to put some thoughts into them a bit more, sooner.  But I haven't.  I needed to do this a while ago.  Well it will be going into them tomorrow as I palpate and clean cages.  I need to chose what I'm going to do and how I'm going to go about my future.  
     Willow is great.  Still working at heeling and holding her attention.  It's actually been pretty good other than that really.  I need to do more work on her. I need to do it more often than I am.  I just need the weather to start cooperating so I can start going out and walking more on lunch break at work.  My fingers have split so badly now at work.  Right now I am siting with 4 splits on 3 fingers on my right hand. Left so far is clear of splits.  Anyway.  I am pushing super late for me and I do still have clinic chores, then home for rabbit chores then go pick up my thyroid med and hopefully get a training session in with Aunt Lisa.  She'll be showing Tinks in March, whereas I will be going as he helper and one more outing for Willow to test her fears out in public.  
     Anyway, past bedtime for me.   I really need to drag into bed.  My brain is pretty well shutting itself off so I'm going to go pass out and sleep!

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