I'm in utter disgust. Words cannot even begin to describe what I think of humans that cannot take care of their animals but will not give them up. At least someone finally gave these two poor girls up- but it may not be soon enough for the dark bay/seal colored mare. I don't know what I will do but I can try to get them back into condition and find them homes. I'm gullible, I don't know if I *can* do it, not from this point with her
I am thoroughly disgusted, I am praying and hoping these girls can survive the cold the next couple of days. I have a fleece blanket that I'm going to use bailing twine to tie to the dark bay mare and I found Jasmine's rain sheet- while it has a rip in it at least this way it'll keep her mostly dry. Hopefully the 72" will fit her. I'm going to put a plea out for some blankets to fit these two girls. I have to measure Lady (the cremello) she might be able to wear something bigger. I have the 72" so I'll see what I have for size tomorrow. I know I'll get super cold doing it, but I have to help these girls. I made a promise to them that I will do my best.
I promise to do my best by these two girls, I promise to get them as healthy as possible and place them into the best possible home that I can. I swear to god I will do whatever I can to do this and even if the blind one has to stay with me for her life so be it, I just need a better job, I cannot stay at Nestle. It's my bargin that I offer. I'm praying one of those applications that I put in to call me for an interview.
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