Anyway to farther for the New Years resolutions this year:
- Get fit and get down to 200-220 pounds (this I can DO)
- Get Heidi some training under saddle
- Get myself more training english
- Seeing as trotting Heidi undersaddle was one of last years and I have trotted her, trotting more consistently and even cantering her under saddle will be this years.
- Get a new job- maybe not a better one as Nestle does pay well, but I want a life outside of work
- Go and see Dustin play live, and TR if I can go both ways in one year.
- Find a man interested in Me, for me
- As the Photo says, Love myself for who I am-mind, body, heart and soul.
- Get to as many Rabbit shows as possible- most of this will depend on travel plans and work schedule.
- Get Connie & Natalie Registered and Granded- to be my first two home grown Grand Champions(the last one that I could have granded last year was killed by Coyotes and not bred by me anyway).
I have learned a lot more about being positive, still very pessimistic while I'm at work but when it comes to helping and supporting FB friends, family, and my non blood sisters I'm all for it as optimistic as possible. I have stayed down a pant size- I'm in a size 20 now instead of 22 that I was from High School. My end goals are to be around 175 pounds, and a size 18- smaller steps make it easier to obtain and I will continue to fight my way through and be the smart, fun, loving girl that I know I can be!
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