Monday, February 24, 2014


     I learned a few lessons and a few more things about myself today. I went at first for a ride on Heidi.  It's been the best ride and work day for the two of us in a LONG time.  No video as I failed to get the camera recording.  She stood very patiently at the mounting block which she hasn't done in a long time and we did quite a bit of short stint trotting.  I think I pretty much wore Heidi out.  I learned my right ankle does not flex as well as my left, so I have to figure that out.  I know part of it's the toe that's messed up but no podiatrist will fix it with me this young.  
     Thinking of young, I had a long, very insightful conversation with Sandy this evening.  That's what threw me fully off my timing.  I had intended to stop by Aunt Lisa's to bring the Lice treatment back so she can treat Drifter.  I put some in baggies to do the last two treatments on Bailey, and hopefully that'll be the end of that mayhem.  
     The insightfulness was when Sandy asked me what did I plan to do wiht my future.  Did I ever plan to move out and what my full intentions were with everything.  She made a few good points to me that I've mentally taken in.  She kept telling me 30, it was time to get out and get loose a little bit more.  While I do worry about taking on the responsibility of having my own place, one of my biggest worries was the rabbits.  But seriously do I need to take on that many rabbits when I'll hardly ever get out for shows?  Out of all the spring shows I had gone to in the past, I can get to 1 show.  Last year I made 3 or 4 shows total for the year, that was it.  So for the time being I think I'm going to cut back the herd, I've got a pretty good mental start on the list of who's going and who's not.  I'll try to get down to a trio of blue, trio of Chin, Trio of torts and probably 2 trios of steels-since so many of my steels are blue carriers as well.  That puts me at 15 rabbits.  Half of what I've got now.  Now to start making those choices.  
     One of the other things that came up in our conversations was Bailey.  What on earth am I going to do with her?  I'm not a gaited horse person, she's a real sweet heart don't get me wrong but she's not the horse for me.  I love her to pieces but she needs to be with a gaited horse person that knows and understands her limitations and how her body works.  I'll finish out and get her Rabies, Coggins and a pregnancy check, then she'll be listed up for adoption.  

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