Wednesday, February 19, 2014


     I had the day off kind of expectantly today.  It  was so nice to have the day off.  Since I was already halfway to Heidi, I dropped dad off at Aunt Lisa's and I went to see my girl.  She was a filthy muddy mess.  Took me almost a half hour to brush her clean!  Then I just put her saddle on and her rope halter to do a little free and line lunging then some bending, make sure she doesn't have too much spring energy to blow up with.  Just a half hearted buck during her free lunging and that was all, she didn't have that kind of energy!  Good thing!  Then Sandy brought Spencer into the arena, and I tried to get him to lunge.  Boy he doesn't understand personal space!  He kept trying to walk all over me like unreal.  He lunged out one direction fairly well, good eye out.  When I tried to get him to turn around, it was a heck of a fight, but I got two laps from him.  He needs to learn to get some impulsion from his behind instead of all on his forehand.  Just in all over he needs a better frame to work in.  I'll bring up my smaller rope halter with the green lead on it and teaching Spencer to bend and work with his back some.  Maybe I can teach the old guy some new tricks.  Once he starts bending and giving to pressure then we work on lunging with the bad eye out.  Hopefully the old brat doesn't kick me.  He's a bit more ornery than I'd like to deal with.  
     Heidi was being brattish too, she wouldn't come when I called her.  I had to go out into the mud to go get her muddy fur-butt.  She ran when I picked up the lunging whip.  She realized I wasn't dealing with her, that was when I was teaching Spencer a few manners.  He walks all over Sandy, he needs to learn he can't do that.  I'll teach him, then I'll teach Sandy how to reinforce it so he doesn't go back to pushing people around.  
     I have to pick up a new small digital camera as mine finally bit the dust.  Well the camera still works fine, but the cover over the battery compartment doesn't stay closed.  I'm sure if I got ahold of Nikon I could send it in to be repaired but to heck with it.  I'll look at an Olympus or a Pentax small one. 
     I hope we don't have to work tomorrow.  I can get so much stuff done tomorrow if we don't.  Warm enough to bath Bailey and give her a second lice treatment, then tattoo baby bunnies, hand graze Bailey for a little while maybe, start working on her run in to strip it down, start cleaning up the hay messes around the field.  Who knows!?  I'll figure something out.  

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