Friday, August 10, 2018


It's been another month of craziness.  Been working, house sitting and working some more!  Again I haven't' spent any time what so ever with Heidi and Tessa, but I have settled on a date to bring them home- the 25th.  I just have to go talk to Nelson and see if he'd trailer the girls back out to dad's.  I never did get the large chunk of the fence replaced but I am going to see if I can't borrow the electric tape to just put up but not connect to the electric to help keep my girls off the fence and possibly continue to replace fencing.  I do miss my girls. I have learned so much that horses are just my release and I miss having them around.  I know I could always go over and mess with them I just never have the energy especially by the time I drive over there and now I am in the drive to get hay put up in the barn for them for winter. 

Becky did learn her mare didn't take to breeding twice now so she will be trying to find her a good home and as much as I do like the mare, I don't want another mare and I know I couldn't afford to feed/take care of another horse in general.  Granted breed her over to Tessa's sire and get a dun, likely red dun foal but to me no garuntee that I'd get a colt to geld. Also David Howards got a yearling paint gelding that was GORGEOUS but has lameness issues and not worth much, I wouldn't mind messing with it- but again no room or finances to take care of 3 horses. 
I want to do more with them, just like I want to do more with a lot of things.  I am planning right now on doing so much stuff with them when they are home again.  I still haven't quit looking for my own place but I am looking right now at clearing debt.  One more week and I'll be doing the last payment on my student loans!  Makes me so excited to finally clear that one.  Lastly left is credit card debt! Next thing to save up for is the newer car while I am paying down/off credit card debt.  
The last week I spent at Mrs Fu's was stressful.  I was there Sunday through Sunday.  Mom blew a tire on the Nissan in Lexington and had to go get that, and leave them my car and I was driving my truck with no brake lights, then they bust my car (okay, okay, it was just a half dead alternator).  That drove me batty and I lost so much money behind driving my truck.  I didn't sink but it was enough to irritate me to no end.  I've been stressed out the last couple of months and I am so mentally worn out.  I have tried a new thyroid supplement.  I'm not sure it's helping or not but I am thinking it's helping some.  I try to not take it daily as it feels like it does set my sinus' off at times.  
Willow and I did get through 1 training class before all the mayhem hit.  I am intending to continue home training shortly and push forward.  Aunt Lisa sent me a premium for a September show and THAT one I am pretty sure I can make and get back into the ring.  Do a Rally Novice B and at least get back into the ring.  I am ready to start doing some training work on top of working my horses. 
I still rollercoaster ride back and forth through depression episodes and I am trying to get a better control.  I had a stronger depression episode this past week and then starting Thursday  it swung from the depression to anger issues.  I was so angry at work that I was personally just a foul person to be around.  I tried to angle my ways outside and away to try and minimize the damage.  
Many plans, many goals and I am happy to say I am starting to move forward.  I'm still house hunting, it's just hard to find somewhere that I can afford on my salary and still have the room to keep my horses.  

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