Saturday, April 22, 2017

Enjoy Time

Time sure does have a way of disappearing on me as the weeks have rolled on by and it's almost May now.  I think I'm back to not having ridden in weeks again.  I really can't wait to get a saddle for Tessa.  Some part of me is now kicking myself in the butt for getting rid of all my saddles that didn't fit Heidi.  But at the time all I had *was* Heidi.  At that point I had, had no intention of getting a second horse.  Well I want to go back to riding Western.  Things I have yet to accomplish list is getting longer and I am not going anywhere on it.  The one thing to do is going to be to start making a lot of choices.  And they are hard choices to make.  I've been trying to let time do some of the deciding for me.  Time is fighting against me right now.  Again it's almost May and I've yet to lose any weight, I've yet to redo any thyroid panels and I've yet to get any bills paid off.  I've gotta do this, I've gotta get my head together and get myself together and GO.  
Part of me is still wanting to learn english so keeping Heidi under english for the time being.  I still have time to keep working Tessa on the ground and riding her with Heidi's english saddle.  The two girls look in really good shape, despite knowing my hay this winter has lacked in quality greatly.  But I think both girls have stayed in pretty good condition.  Other than that the girls have been really good.  Heidi's still a moody mare over Tessa but Tessa's still a little lover.  I still have to get the money set aside and I'm going to have Ben or Joe come out and float their teeth- both of them.  It might still be the sores on Tessa's lips and mouth as to why she's dropping feed but it could also be her teeth.  I finally took the big camera outside and sat there and took some pictures of them today, despite it was raining.  I had to throw out a few flakes of the rabbits hay to keep their attention.

I also sat outside for a little while with the bunnies and am really in love with my English spots and Chaucer.  I still am partial to not getting rid of all the rabbits but I honestly don't want them to
 tie me down as I am eager to step forward in life.  I originally wanted to get to a trio of each breed and call it good enough but I am now down to a pair of dutch and 5 English Spots.  Whoops.  Plus the two old girls.  Natalie is starting to lose some weight and doesn't look the best anymore.  I noticed when I got my hands on her today.  I feel awful.  Natalie's almost 5.5 years old.

I am contemplating moving her to a tiny cage and putting her back on the crock feeders and see if we can't get it back again.  I would have loved to gotten a gray baby out of her and a tort buck but alas I don't think it's going to happen.  I have her sister bred for one more litter from Chaucer.  After that I think both girls need to be retired completely.  They've done their jobs for me.  I still might get rid of a few of the Spots as I get them where I really want them.  
Willow is still doing awesome.  I've restarted the Fresh Factors to see if that will help her any with her itching.  I also REALLY need to get going on re-starting her training again.  I have lacked really badly being so drawn out and tired at work that I haven't done much over lunch lately if at all.  I even took a nap on Thursday.  First time I've ever napped at all there.  I have to go back to either walking or going to Lowes and doing training work.
So time to make my list of things that need to get done and get some more of them checked off. 

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