Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Very happy update!

     I am very happy to one point of being everything is settling back down after the coyote incident.  Jason, Dad and I are going to be coyote hunting over the summer to decrease the population.  I'll be quite thrilled to get that all done with.  
     I'm also quite happy to say Phoenix looks AWESOME.  I can't wait to start exercising him and watching him put his weight back on.  Teeth and front shoes are next.

     Had to have a picture of Heidi this afternoon.  It's all after the rain so hence why Phoenix is muddy.  He's shedding off very well.  Shouldn't be too much longer until he's as shedded down as Heidi. 
     As for a good/bad update.  I dewormed Colby, Pip and Marie and Marie is doing great- Colby and Pip are struggling after the deworming.  Pip perked back up after two days of probiotics but Colby's still struggling.  Hopefully with some dandelion greens he can perk back up. Still a work in progress. 

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