Sunday, September 2, 2018

Just my little world


My girls are my life.  I will have to say and admit full front.  This past week off has solidified my love for my Equine girls, Heidi and Tessa.  Heidi Hasn't been touched with tack since March 16th and on my birthday, Aug 29th, I tossed Tessa's saddle on Heidi after trying Heidi's english and the girth wasn't long enough, and off we went.  The saddle was pinching her and she still behaved.  She still had some serious issues with the big horse flies but it wasn't too bad.  Didn't last long because of the heat.  Same with today when I tossed Tessa's saddle on her and rode her around the pasture some.  Heidi was not helpful and tagged along with us but She just felt so solid under me and my mind can't wrap around how short she really is.  But she's solid.  The 5.5 years  she spent with Joey and the training he gave her made her the wonderful mare that she is today.  I am glad of that really.  She went from January 27th to September 2nd between rides, granted I did lunge her twice last week.  

I have never been more proud of my equine children.  They have been set to the side for the summer with occasional grooming due to my anxiety and my lack of energy to haul tack over to ride.  I did go ahead and put a western draft treed saddle on my card so I can switch Heidi to riding western completely and I don't really plan much on looking back!  I have always been more comfortable western.  I think the english saddle has been causing some anxiety when it comes to riding.  Now that the english pads and everything but the saddle are tucked into the bottom of my tack trunk I just want to go out and ride- now just need the temps to come back to some decent temps, make riding much nicer!  

My youngest child, Willow, still needs her spot!  She's been doing what she can but right now with the temps so high it's hard to work on training.  I have about a week left to see about entering Ques4U's Rally trial at the end of September.   That's also a weekend that Drache Feld are out of town and I'll have to take care of them.  I will text Becky Tuesday to see if I might be able to swing a Sunday Trial 2 showing just to put us back in the ring.  I just can't remember if there are any other fall shows if there isn't there isn't any point in it until later.  I'm not sure completely yet.  I DO want to show again, I DO want to move forward with it, but I also don't want to put us back in the ring this soon and then just not get to show again for months.  
Thinking of we did go 'shopping' over at Bluegrass Classic and I actually saw several mini aussie's there.  Makes me very happy to see it.  I want to get a second one soon but I NEED to get my own place first.  And no, I don't mean an apartment.  I need my own home.  

Willow needs a sister.  I know she needs a playmate and a friend to play with someday.  These girls are my life.  I would love to keep the rabbits in there but sometimes that's not in the books to do.  I haven't ruled them out yet but I *have* decided if I need to I will let them go if I have to.  
I do have something for dorsal strips.  The spots have them, anything Dun(red like Phoenix was, or gold like Tessa) or even the Grulla.  That's what I plan on getting in the future is a Grulla QH gelding.  15.2 hands preferred.  Anyway, that's future plans and I can just wait it out and see how everything pans out.