Monday, August 28, 2017

Keeping up the fight.

This week of vacation that has just started has started in such a good mood.  I haven't bothered to check my weight.  it is still high, higher than my last doctors appointment but for the time being I am okay with that.  I just picked up the new insoles for my sneakers so I can start taking walks in the mornings when I get up and I hope to take a few long walks each day and maybe that will help.  I just got a voice message from the doctors office and they need to move my appointment because Dr. Baker won't be in the office.  I will have to call first thing in the morning and see what I can do to get in this week.  I have to.  I don't have my other choice but to get it done this week, I can't take more time off to get all the way back into Owingsville after I've started to do more bloodwork.  I will call them and see if I can at least go in and have blood drawn Thursday morning and have them at least run the T3 tests.  I'm going to keep pushing, I want to be put on a T3 supplement to see if that will help since the Wellbutrin did not.  
So Saturday I took Jess with me down to visit Grandma and we had a pretty good time over all.  Then I came home with the intention to clean and reorganize the barn.  Which I actually got done with Jess' help.  She helped me move the new cages into the barn.  So I got several things reorganized and I have the rabbits settled.  So Sunday I was able to get my mini running table set up and get all the English Spots on it to run.  I'm still working tonight, Monday, on getting them uploaded to Facebook.  I am hoping with the new video of 1BC2/Polly up I will be able to get her sold.  I might go ahead and raise the price on her now since I'm putting a bit more work and time into getting her show ready.  She's a really nice little doe. I just can't keep her.  I took Hide out and was playing with her, and realized it's not a her, it's a him.  So I got some new pictures of him and I am going to sadly list him for sale.  It's kind of sad, I had hoped it was a doe in hopes of keeping it as an offspring of Connie's in the barn but I will have to try and re-breed her again.  She's keeping her weight well so I might try it with Willie once he comes home.  I right now have Natalie bred to Lantis, the tort buck, but I want to wait for a blue to breed Connie.  It's kind of sad really.  I REALLY liked Hide.  Well marked, nice body type.  The steel markings are VERY light but he'd still make a good brood buck if he doesn't molt out into all black or into more steel markings.  Tis a very sad situation with Hide.  *Hopefully* he hasn't bred his momma, I just weaned him despite he's just under 4 months old.  I thought it was a doe and I left it at that and figured Hide as fine staying with momma.  Well I was wrong on sexing.  I'm not usually wrong but I haven't checked Hide since he was 3 weeks old.  I almost always re-check at 6-8 weeks.  I didn't.  I made a mistake.  Not a mistake I will make again.
I haven't ridden at all since the last time I wrote partially because I have been lazy and tired, and partially because of lack of motivation and lastly, it's because of poor weather conditions.  It's been hot and gross and that bugs Heidi with the heat.  Either hot and humid or wet and rainy.  I haven't had much choice in the weather.   This week Tess has had a round of Cellulitis spurring from some bad thrush.  I feel so awful about not noticing the thrush until she was 3 legged lame on Saturday.  She wouldn't even put weight on her right front hoof.  I feel awful.  I still feel awful even today.  Sunday when I figured out that it wasn't just a puffy leg.  So I texted Patrick telling him what I had and what should I give her, and he said Excede, so off to the clinic I went and got her a big shot of Excede Sunday morning, came home cleaned her feet out and put Iodine in all 4 of them and the big shot of Excede.  Today I switched back to the Blue Kote but at least this evening the swelling and heat are gone.  So I am hopeful tomorrow afternoon to get a good ride in on Heidi and maybe ground work Tess some.  I am a little weary to start working her this soon but I also moved Michael coming to trim up to as soon as he can.  I will have to step up and treat their feet way more often than I have been.  I have also blocked them out of their run in, to keep their feet from being in the muck.  I really need to do something about that run-in situation.

Monday, August 14, 2017


Everything has been tossed into a blender lately and this past weekend was what tossed it to the blender.  
Marty asked me for some bunnies so I bred a few does, but we shall see what comes of it.  I've kind of started thinking about keeping them slim and seeing what happens from there.  I kind of don't want them to weigh me down and I kind of wanted to start getting rid of them.  I have a few things on my mind and I will see where it goes before I totally can the rabbits completely.   
It was the first time in a bit over a month that I actually talked to Rachel.  She even started the conversation.  It didn't last long as per usual she ditched me for someone else but she started it and carried it for a little while.   I still felt like she didn't tell me the whole truth as to what was going on.  I told her what was going on here.  I don't know what to do about her right now.   Partially don't trust her anymore.  Michelle went down and visited the old farm and makes me miss it more and more.  I've been going through all my old pictures of the farm.  
At least Eeyore and Dakota are still there.  I figured Spudley, Camile and Beauty had all passed on by now.  Last time I was up there 4 years ago it felt like Gena hadn't wanted to see me so I've refrained from really wanting to go visit again.  Michelle told me that my leaving was very hard on her.  I hope she understands how hard everything was on me to pick up and move 1600 miles away and start over.  I saw it as a new opportunity to start over.  In so many ways I am glad to have done it.  I've really gotten to know the other side of my family(my dad's family) and I've really enjoyed knowing them.  Had I not moved down here, I wouldn't have my three girls, Heidi, Tess and Willow.  I am enjoying my job for the basic part, which I couldn't do up there.  Only down part has been all the medical issues that I have had which are common for people down here.  I do still wonder what life would have been like with different choices in the past. 
It made me sorely miss Jasmine and Phoenix, as they are VERY similar to Heidi and Tess.  Just they way they act and behave is so very similar.  I would LOVE to be able to afford to get a third horse but as of right now I need to make other steps in life before I can do that.  I must content myself with what I have for years to come.  

I am so happy with how things are going.  I've been feeling okay.  Last night was a night I woke up in the middle of the night in a hot flash kind of feeling, about 15 minutes later I was cooled off enough for my sheet and back to sleep I went.  I haven't been on the scale in a few days but this week I have started having a Slim*Fast every morning for breakfast and I'll see how that goes.  Starting Wednesday I am going to go back to walking through part of lunch.  Even if Debbie doesn't.   I have to, I need to.  My weight has sat the same since my doctors appointment, actually it went up and has come back down to basically the same.  It's time to kick this crap to the curb and stay that way!  I am so tired of reading these Hasimoto's books and I'm just trying to live life and enjoy it and also get (and Keep) my Hasimoto's in check.  It's autoimmune so it's there for life now but I'm ready to take my life back.  

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Looking Forward

It's been a whirlwind few months here in Aya Sora's land.  Most of it has been a roller coaster but there are still a few things that are not.   On the biggest positive side is my Springleaf loan is paid off.  I've created a new 'budget' so to speak to rebalance where money goes and it does give me a little more monetary freedom going forward.  Good to start putting money away for a deposit on an apartment- so long as my car and truck allow me to!  Right now I need to save up and get 2 new tires for each of them. The truck's front right keeps going flat and the car's are just practically bald.  That is kind of what I get for buying cheap-ass tires on the car, they last 2.5 years and then they are toast.  Not bad considering.  Car does need another new alignment so I might call a tire place and see if I can't just get it done and re-aligned while it is there.
I finally have gone back to the doctors and got a bunch of tests run, still not the 3 I wanted done but those can wait for next time.  I got the diagnosis of Hasimoto's hypothyroidism and it does explain so many things.  I've ordered in a few books that will help me understand this disease and with any luck I can control it and learn to deal with this and move forward from here.  It's an autoimmune disease of the Thyroid and it's basically where my body is making antibodies against my own thyroid.  Where it comes from I don't know how it happened I don't know or understand yet but I have only read that I can put it back into remission and keep it there with a good control of medications.  So next doctor visit I will have him run the other tests to see what I should be doing medication wise and see what I can't do to regain control.  That should all help me on my end game of losing weight and getting fit.
The horses have been fantastic.  I've been out riding, I put a saddle for Tessa on my credit card (which I shouldn't have done but I couldn't resist) and I've had her out western and with Heidi staying English I should be doing alright.
While I am still not amused with the way I look at least I am *now* got a fighting chance to get things situated and going correctly.  We will continue onwards, upwards and forwards.   

Willow has been fantastic she's always by my side and when she's not she's by the front door waiting for my return with eagerness.  She doesn't approve of me leaving her behind but when we had hit that super hot spell of 90+ for a week I got really stressed on our drive home as she was just so flippin hot but now with it cooler again I can go back to taking her everywhere without fear and I can go back to horseback riding again.  We still need to get back to some kind of training regimen but that will come with cooler temperatures.  I have off for the big dog show- as I have for the past 2 years and that is going to be our interesting drive to see if we really want to go up there and 'shop' or more so look around and just basically see what's up there.  It's my vacation week and I have plans to do a few things at least.  Not like last year when I didn't do anything for vacation.  I want to go back to Old Friends again and maybe go down to Natural Bridge and hike that with Willow.  I do have my follow up at the doctors office but that is only 1 day out of the 10 I have off(well Labor day I will likely be going into work in the morning but that's all good).

Last touche subject is the rabbits.  I am slowly getting them to a good point.  I have finally 1 blue
 english spot doe Miracle(fondly called Mirror), and the two blacks that I am keeping- Cricket and Lindsay.  Lindsay's sister Miranda is going to Texas next month and a blue buck named Trick is coming in, in exchange.  Transport has already been paid and I am thoroughly eager to get a good solid base of blue going.  Sadly none do trace back to my original 3 English Spots but I kind of knew that was going to happen.   The dutch, I think I'm going to weed down to 3 pairs, since I have a blue buck coming in this fall, Willie, I am picking up a Sassy son, which is a tort buck since that's my last hold on Syd's bloodlines.  Syd is the only offspring of Neena's I kept and she was the literal only child of Kitty's, as Kitty only had 2 babies to start with and killed one of them at 3 weeks old, so Neena got weaned early.  Neena was gifted to a friend and was told if she ever got rid of her to tell me and I would go get her but of coarse she sold her and the line was gone once I lost the last of the Syd related offspring.  So now with Legends and Chaucer tracking back to Rafik, Sassy's son tracing back to Syd and Colby(Not my homebred Colby Jr), Legends tracing back to Sam, and Hide, Natalie and Connie all tracing back to Amelia I have my foundation lines back.  I will likely keep the three bucks, Willie, Sassy's son and Chaucer and then keep 3 or 4 does total.  I will still need to get a tort doe to go with Sassy's boy.  He still needs a name.    

All in all I actually feel like I am going the right direction in life.  Things are getting muddled here and there but moving forward.