Well it's been a long week and every time I think I'm going to get up early enough to post here and get my thoughts all written down and in one spot. I never do, I always end up spending too much time out with the bunnies or Heidi and Phoenix.
Well as of right now, Heidi and Phoenix are out on the other pasture. I'll pull them back probably Tuesday morning before the worst of the heat. I'll be picking up some big trash bags and doing my best to clean up the barn so I can make a run in area for the horses. Heidi's really unhappy without her barn. Right now there's nothing I can do about it.

Phoenix is looking really good though. He's got his muscle and hindquarters building back up but his arthritis has gotten REALLY bad. Despite the joint supplements he cracks and creaks every time he moves, from his nose to his tail to his hooves. It' not good at all. He should feel thankful that I'm going to let him rest this fall or when the grass wanes out. I'm just really glad he's filled back in. I'm talking to Jeff, we're thinking of using Heidi to produce a couple of foals- one for him, one for me. Or I'll use his contact to get a Percheron yearling gelding. Though I want another quarter horse. I have to get Heidi more trained first though! I need to do more with her than I am doing too. She's been on the garlic for just under 2 weeks(or is it just over two weeks?) I've done nothing, but treat her for neck threadworms, groom her and give kisses. I need to get more done. Good thing a 5 day weekend is coming up. I might even get the old guy out for a short ride. Far depending on the weather.
The bunnies, I've put a TON of thought into Pip. I'm giving her to the 5 day weekend to start feeling better and showing improvement or I'll be culling her. I have to still put Oliver down due to his teeth and Gab before he deteriorates any farther than he already has. Gabriel will kill me to put down, I've had him since he was a 7 week old baby, seeing as he's past the 7 year mark now, I might give him a little longer and see if switching him back to Purina Show will help him. I cannot give up on him just yet. Colby I'm struggling with, but he's eating so I'm going to see where he goes. If he dives again back down then I will have to let him go.
I'm trying to keep my breeding schedule for my does well in line. doing a 3 doe rotation and they'll be meat, show (keep and sell babies) and whatever pet babies I do sell. I'm keeping my cage numbers small, so my rabbit numbers stay small. I have the new zealands all but sold- and what aren't sold will be forced to meat. Hollands the same way- they'll all be sold one way or another.
As for me, well I've got a new sinus medication- this time it's a steroidal nasal spray and hopefully this one works as the regular allergy medicine has not been working.
I'm thankful for the fact that these three boys don't really hurt each other and after a spell they leave each other alone. Gabriel, Speedle and Colby all are able to relax and not kill each other so I can let them all loose together in the barn.
I still am waiting and trying to figure things out with a certain young man. I don't know what to do, think or anything else right now. In ways I just want to curl up, hid and everything else-stay away so I don't get my hopes up too far. I've done it with guys I've liked in the past. Push them away because I was scared. Some day I will lose that fear completely I hope. The right young man will come along at some point and help guide me. I just hope so.
Also another case in point I want to put down somewhere so I can keep track of it. My foot, it's been painful since Friday night. I'm not sure what I exactly did to it, but whatever I did it's slightly odd ball shape and disfigured. It's sore to the touch and I noticed it's sore to walk heavily on so I keep the weight off the toe just to make sure. I'm waiting to see Della and get the name of the podiatrist that her sister uses. I'm ready to get it fixed and never worry about it again! I know it's something that will plague me the rest of my life, but the pain has to stop!
Anyway, I'm aiming to go to bed early so I can get up early and get LOTS done before work tomorrow!