I found black hair-literally in Heidi's left foreleg. I scrubbed it thinking it was dirty hair, gave up since I can't get her legs clean anyway then determined it was black hair.
But at least her mane came out snow white again!
While they were still grazing, I raked up two totes full of the grass that the town mowed from the Roark's side. It was mowed this morning, stayed out in the sun and dried it so it's like hay. I gave all the bunnies a handful to see what they thought of it.
Heidi came running to me when I called to bring her back to her pasture
They got back into the pasture and went to get a drink out of their freshly cleaned and filled water trough.
Phoenix Definitely looks a lot better!
Before I went inside, I wanted to get a few pictures of Mom's Double Knock-out rosebush since it's covered in blooms.
On a more personal note, apparently I'm good at hurting/pissing off people so I give up. I just don't know what to do. She says she thinks she's second best to one of my other friends and says I hurt her. I had no intentions of ever hurting her. I wonder why I even bother to have friends when all they're ever going to do is put themselves up against each other. Or try to think that they're only 'second' fiddle to the other. I can't say I understand it and I can't even being to think what's going through their heads. One doesn't even bother the other since they don't really have anything in common-other than me.